ARY Digital Drama Serial Kasak is a story of a vibrant and cheerful girl Faryal ( Iqra Aziz Iqra Aziz is a Pakistani actress who mainly worked >> Read More... ). Faryal wants to spend a self-reliant and happy life. She falls in love with her cousin and wishes to marry him someday. Faryal's family wants her to marry a wealthy man, Daniyal ( Junaid Khan Junaid Khan is a prominent Pakistani singer, songw >> Read More... ). She meets him (Junaid Khan) and convinces him to refuse to marry her. But instead, he convinces Faryal, and slowly starts to like him and agrees to marry him.
After they get married, Faryal finds out some bitter truths about Daniyal. The rich man has a son named Shamakh from his first marriage, and he married Faryal to look after his son because his first wife divorced him as she considered him selfish. Kasak drama is known for its unique love story between two very opposite personalities. Like all dramas, there are various twists and turns in this drama too. The story orbits around how Faryal gradually makes Daniyal believe in love and marriage again.Â