The sensational story revolves around the lives of two sisters named Nisha and Misha. They have distinct personalities, but they still care for each other initially. Nisha is fond of materialistic things and would do anything to obtain them. Without knowing much about her, Ahmer starts to like her based on her outlook. For a time, she likes him as well.But when the alliance of Asfandyar arrives for Misha, aka Meena, Nisha feels jealous of her due to the immense wealth she's about to get. Asfandyar likes Misha at first sight and marries her happily.
Nisha breaks her relationship with Ahmer and involves herself in the middle of Misha and Asfand. She manipulates him, and he soon starts an affair with her. Ahmer tries to inform Misha about this, but she doesn't listen to him. She will regret that later in the coming days. But she faces a lot of challenges due to her pregnancy. This story highlights the chaos happening to wealth.