Haseena is a Pakistani drama series in Urdu, televised on March 28, 2022, on A Plus TV. Its star cast includes Zain Afsal, Faheema Awan, and Fawwad Jalal. Elements Media is the production company of the series. Haseena depicts the story of an uneducated poor village girl. She started residing in a wealthy family out of sympathy. However, the family’s wealth and status dazzled her senses. Eventually, she decides never to leave the place. So, to achieve this, she often manipulates the situations and family members in her favor. She does not want to return to her miserable life and plays every trick to lead a luxurious life. Although she has a humble background, the girl is quite cunning and generally succeeds in her endeavors. Laiba Khan Bio coming soon...  Laiba Khan Family Tree (Inf >> Read More... played the titular character of Haseena, and Faheema Awan is Masooma in the show. On the other hand, Zain Afsal is Ahmer, and Fawwad Jalal is Faraz in this series.