Haara Dil is a Pakistan-based Urdu television drama series released in 2018. It is directed by Furqan Adam Furqan Adam is a Pakistani director born on 1 Janu >> Read More... and written by Rabia Razzaq Rabia Razzaque is a Pakistani scriptwriter, screen >> Read More... . It has 26 episodes. The show aired from 12 April 2018 to 3 October 2018 on A-Plus Entertainment. Danish Taimoor Danish Taimoor is a Pakistani model and TV actor. >> Read More... and Hassan Zia Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , under Mastermind Productions, have produced this show. The Cast includes Danish Taimoor as Arham, Hiba Bukhari Bio coming soon...  Hiba Bukhari Family Tree (I >> Read More... as Momina, Rabya Kulsoom Rabya Kulsoom is a Pakistani actress and model bor >> Read More... as Abeer, and Yashma Gill Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as Fiza.
The plot revolves around Momina, who lives with her parents, Abraar and Shagufta, and her younger sister, Abeer. Momina is also in a relationship with Arham, a wealthy young man. He is the son of Momina’s Father’s best friend, Afaan. However, Arham’s mother, Amtul, and sister, Areej, dislike Momina because she belongs to a middle-class family. The story takes a turn when Momina’s Mother dies, and her stepmother steps in, set to ruin Momina’s Life.