Dukh-Sukh is an Urdu series directed by Sakina Samo Sakina Samo is not only an actress but also a dire >> Read More... and written by a collective of writers. It has been produced under the banner of Real Entertainment and aired on the URDU 1 channel. This series is an anthology of short stories that revolve around the lives of ordinary people with not-so-common lives. With 21 episodes, this series needs a far more reaching viewership than it has received. The brilliant portrayal of characters and the thoughtfully cast actors have brought life to each short tale and enhanced the plot’s credibility.
The script is fresh, and the uptake on the myriad of characters is witty and appreciable. Sakina Samo has done an excellent job and the unique screenplay has created fables out of those short minutes in each episode. In each episode, emotions have been exploited, mended and have some value to carry over. The series is streaming on the URDU 1 official website and also on the URDU 1 channel on YouTube.