Dil E Benaam is an Urdu daily soap aired on the channel Aur Life. The show centers around the story of a girl who develops hate for all men because of her abusive father. She has been traumatised since her childhood and this hatred for men only comes because of the issues she had with her father. But things take a twist and turn when another gentleman unlocks the door to her heart. Both of them are very different in many aspects. They both are in search of true love but get only deception from every relationship in the name of love. As they deal with their inner battles, their romantic journeys start. The show features Sarah Aijaz Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Zaib Khan Zaib Khan is a popular model and Urdu actor. He wa >> Read More... , Jamal Yousuf , Rebbecca Abdul Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Wassam Waheed , Sophia Mehmood , Rabia Tabbasum , Shehryar Sheikh , Mahnoor Malik , Jalal Haider , Farah Hamid, in pivotal roles.