Chahat Hui Tere Naam is a Pakistani serial premiered in 2016 on Geo TV. The serial focuses on the lives of four individuals who are related to each other by fate. Zoya and Ashrar are childhood sweethearts as they were neighbors. Later, as Ashrar's family got stable financially, he moved to a better apartment and lived in luxury. The shift in Ashrar's financial status didn't change the love between him and Zoya. However, his mom was against Zoya as she belonged to the lower status. Ashrar's mother began looking for suitable girl for him. Furious, Ashrar married Zoya without his mom's willingness.
The story escalates when Hira, a young and hard working woman visits her sister's house to take care of her as she's pregnant. Nimra (Hira's pregnant sister) and Fareed are a happy couple. However, Fareed loved Hira and wanted to marry her. When, Hira visits his house he confesses his feelings for her. Nimra learnt about the confession and blamed Hira for everything. Later, Nimra dies after giving birth and Hira marries Fareed for the baby. Later, Alizeh, Nimra's child goes missing and Fareed gets handicapped while searching for her. Due to his ego and feeling of inferiority Fareed gets divorced from Hira. After some years, Hira is set to remarry a married man because his first wife is barren. Ashrar marries Hira and Zoya plots against Hira. What will happen next? Watch the serial to find out.
Chahat Hui Tere Naam is an Urdu-language drama serial. It was written by Ghulam Sabir and Mehmood Elahi. The lead cast of the serial includes Imran Aslam Imran Aslam is a Pakistani actor. He was born in L >> Read More... , Beenish Chohan Unlike India where cinema brings greater fame and >> Read More... , Parveen Akbar Parveen Akbar is a very senior Pakistani drama art >> Read More... , Kiran Tabeer Kiran Tabeer is a famous Pakistani actress, model, >> Read More... , Parveen Soomro Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Farzana Thaeem, and Kanwar Arsalan Islamic born Pakistani TV fame and model, Kanwar A >> Read More... . Watch Chahat Hui Tere Naam on Geo Kahaani YouTube Channel.