Ainak Wala Jin is a Pakistani children's television show. It was produced and aired on PTV Lahore in 1993 and repeated in 2005. Due to popular demand, this drama was re-aired twice on Pakistani television. It was viral among children because of its wit and fictional plot. The show's first episode aired on April 25, 1993. The first season lasted 152 episodes and ended on July 4, 1996.
While Ainak Wala Jin 2 premiered on March 27, 2005. It consisted of 90 episodes, with the final episode aired on July 29, 2008.
Hafeez Tahir's plot mashes fantasy, reality, and science fiction. The emperor of genies sends a genie from the Caucasus Mountains to Earth to treat his vision problems. When he landed, he encountered a daring young boy who enjoyed fantasies. The boy drives him to the doctor, who advises him to wear power glasses. The boy and his father then take the genie home. The genie is a tall, handsome man with genie-like features. He begins to live with humans, and then exciting interactions start. He meets magicians, witches, other genies, space, and ordinary people. These interactions result in a fascinating storyline that includes comedy, magic, morals, and learning for children and adults.