4 Man Show is a Pakistani TV series aired in 2005 by Aaj Entertainment. It is a political-comedy satire in the Urdu language that has a total of three seasons and 333 episodes. The show features Mustafa Chaudhry, Murtaza Chaudhry Murtaza Choudhry is a Pakistani director, writer, >> Read More... , Mubeen Gabol Pakistani actor and comedian Mubeen Gabol was born >> Read More... , and Mir Mohammad Ali Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The show is based on interviews with various people, including television actors, politicians, newscasters, athletes, etc. The four members of the show also raise issues like terrorism, corruption, sexism, and media freedom. In 2011, a partition was made by some members of the show. They started a new show on two channels named Geo TV and BNN. The rest of the members continued the 4 Man Show, but after some time, it took a pause. In 2012, a new member was added to the show named Ali Gul Pir Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . After that, the show started again.