Naveena means "new" and something that is pristine. The Show launched in the year 2006 as a daily Chat Show. The Show raised issues that are considered as an anathema in the society. The Show discussed the coveal women's matter. It brought up the topics which are deemed as polemical issues. It catechized chauvinistic standard for women in the society through the medium of debates. The Show gave the potency to the women to speak up their mind so that their stories can reach to the people. The Show was different from the mainstream cinema that was accessible to the women at that time.
Amidst the cooking, fashion and daily soaps that were gaining the popularity, the Show breaking the stereotype emerged as one of the most sought-after Shows. Priority of the Show was to make women aware of the different issues and career options available to them. The Show was hosted by the Telugu movie star and model Jhansi. She is a dexterous actress and is also an active social worker. She is associated with many organization which functions for the welfare of the deprived and poor people. She was also a part of the famous Show "talk of the town" featured on Gemini Television. The Show discussed the issues like Social Harassment, Gender Stereotyping, acid attacks survivor's stories, and much more.
The altercation on section 377, which legalized the acceptance of homosexuality in the society. The students from Nizam College, lawyers, and social workers were invited to the discussion. Villages are the treasure of the country and farmers are the backbone of the economy of the country. But still the condition of farmers in our country is getting worse day by day. The cases of suicide due to the helplessness of not paying the debts is a common thing. In one of the episodes, the significant matter of farmers suicide rate increasing in the country was discussed. The wives of the farmers who committed suicides were called on the Show to talk about the hardships their family have suffered.
The interview with the former central minister for Women And Child Welfare, Renuka Chowdhury on the topic of the Delhi Rape Case. The incident shocked the nation, and it projected the fingers on the matter that how safe women are in the country. The core of the issue was considered. The duty of the government to make strict laws against such heinous crimes. Also, the parents need to discipline their sons in the same manner as they discipline their daughters. Children are the mute spectators of the misdeed that take place against women in the homes. It not only have an obstructive impact on them mentally but it also influences their social life. So it becomes important to bring such issues in the open and consider the ways to solve such problems.