Fatafat 5 is a popular Telugu talk show where stars are asked questions which they are required to answer withing five minutes, as per the time limit. It airs on Star Maa, one of the most popular Telugu channels, and can be found online on Hotstar as well. Several actors have made an appearance on the show and have shown a more humorous side to their personalities to the viewers, presumably fans, who are watching. It is a lighthearted and short segment with quite a different style of conducting interviews that are not regularly witnessed on TV. The program is divided into different segments and questions are asked likewise. There is a voice over, that conducts the interview instead of a person on a talk show.
The opening card gives a popular movie name of the actor's along with the name of their debut film. This is followed by 'Read n Act,’ a segment whereby the actor is given a situation and is then required to react to it the way he or she would in real life. The scenes include questions such as - 'How would you react if a director does not like your best take?' The second portion is known as 'Placard Up,’ whereby the star is asked a question and then told to hold up an appropriate placard from the set given in response. Questions asked are mostly personal, such as - 'Have you ever regretted becoming an actor?" The aim is to get to the know the actor on a more personal level and not just as their screen personas that many are quite familiar with.
The third segment is called 'Hot-n-Rapid.' Here, the star is asked a question and is required to give an answer as fast as possible. The questions here are generally directed towards the industry and less on a personal note. The program ends with the actor relating his or her experience on the show. Stars such as Kalyan Ram, Vivek Gopan Vivek Gopan is a young, talented, good-looking act >> Read More... , etc. have appeared on the show. It is a clever way to get for fans to connect to movie stars, who are otherwise inaccessible. It also gives stars, a chance to show the public what they are like when they are not in character or on the screen, and therefore make them seem like regular people.