Annapoorani, also popularly known as Poorni, is an actress, an engineer and a VJ from Madurai, a major city in Tamil Nadu. She holds a BTech degree from the University of SASTRA, Tanjore, the historical city of Tamil Nadu. Poorni started off her career by hosting several shows in SUN Music. She has also hosted many shows for Raj Music,...
Radhika is a famous actress in multiple of languages like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. She did her education in different places like Sri Lanka, India, and the United Kingdom. She was born in India. Her father is a famous Tamil comedian actor, M. R. Radha, and her mother is Geetha Radha. She has married with Sarathkumar at Chennai....
Suresh was born as Seshaiah Suresh Babu. Suresh is a homebound film actor and is famous for his films primarily in Telugu and Tamil. Suresh made his acting debut in the movie Panneer Pushpangal in the year 1981. The movie happens to be a Tamil film. His debut movie was a blockbuster hit on the silver screen, and soon he...
Sarathkumar is famous south Indian film actor. He is also a acclaimed journalist, politician and film critic. He was born and brought up in Delhi. He has acted in more than 150 Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada movies. His debut performance was in a Telugu movie “Samajamlo Sthree” whose producer was his friend. His character was having negative undertones. The...