Karippu Manigal is a daily drama series that came on the Youtube channel. It is a Tamil language show and came on between Monday and Friday. The story of the program deals with the lives of people working and living in the salt pans. The series especially put the focus on the womenfolk and their lives. The entire story got based on a book with the same name, which is written by the renowned writer Rajam Krishnan. She has written many novels throughout her life and his best known for her feminist views and highlighting the plight faced by women in India no matter where they belong to.
The show featured some of the leading actors in Tamil television of that time. This includes the likes of Senthamarai, Vadivukarasi, as well as Livingston. They played the various roles of this tale set in the beachside hamlet that is completely dependent on fishing. These men and women have limited resources and must make do with what is available to them. They face varying challenges which many times are difficult for people to grasp coming from more privileged backgrounds. Set in the salt pans of Tuticorin, we get a close look at the lives of these salt pan coolies. They attempt to earn their daily wage from the mining of these seawaters to create salt.
The coastal backdrops might be a place for relaxation for many outsiders, but for the people staying there; it is their birthplace and their daily source of income. We find that in Tuticorin, the fishermen tend to have limited contact with any of the salt miners, and they lead a separate lifestyle. These saltpan coolies formed a very separate tribe of people from the fishermen with very detached lifestyles. This is not a breeding ground of ill will towards one another or any kind of animosity, but rather since their cultures have evolved separately and their daily lives do not find an intersection point for them to meet and interact. All this in spite of the fact that their colonies stay near one another and the fishermen being the closest to the seas.
The show gets a lot of credit for bringing to life the authentic way of life of these people. The dialects shown represents that of the actual people who live there. It is these touches of authenticity which set the story and the show distinctly apart. Though this could become difficult to follow at the time owing to people’s unfamiliarity with the dialects spoken, the show still remains an engrossing one.