Ilandariyo is a Sinhala TV series aired on Siyatha TV. It was produced by Shehara Nathali Jayaweera and directed by Eranga Senarathne Eranga Senarathne is a Sri Lankan director, screen >> Read More... . The main actors included Sangeeth Prabhu Sangeeth Prabhu is an actor, Dancer, Model and Pre >> Read More... , Shashiranga Wickramasekara Shashiranga Wickramasekara is a Sinhala Actor who >> Read More... , Upathissa Balasooriya, Janaka Kumbukage Janaka Kumbukage is a Sri Lankan actor famous in c >> Read More... , Dananji Tharuka Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Kusum Perera Kusum Perera is a renowned Sri Lankan actress know >> Read More... , Vasanthi Chathurani Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Nilushi Pawanya Nilushi Pawanya is a Sri Lankan model, dancer, act >> Read More... , and others. The show tells an emotional story about separated parents searching for their long-lost child, and the child also looking for them. It highlights parental love and how money can't buy happiness like family. The story follows four friends Asala, Ryan, Udesh, and Sadesh renting a place together.
When Ryan meets an Australian tourist named Maduka, who was adopted and is searching for his biological parents in Sri Lanka, he brings Maduka home. Maduka's birth parents are Nishshanka and Lasanthi, who separated while she was pregnant. Lasanthi gave up the baby since she couldn't afford to keep him. Years later, Nishshanka remarries but keeps searching for Lasanthi and their son. Maduka finally comes to Sri Lanka to find his biological parents as well, as his adoptive mother passed away. When Nishshanka's friend finds Lasanthi, it's revealed he helped locate her not because of their friendship but to get access to Nishshanka's wealth by using his daughter. This betrayal showcases how rare true friends are.