Rajo Queen is an Odia reality television show, aired its sixth season in 2018 on Zee Sarthak. The show features young women who compete against each other while showcasing their talents, including singing, dancing, anchoring. and so on. With its motive to bring new talent in front of the nation's eye, it also celebrates Rajo Parba, also known as Mithuna Sankranti, a three-day-long festival of womanhood celebrated in Odisha, India. The show cast included Debasish Patra, Sailendra Samantray, and Sritam Das Sritam Das is an Indian actor, Director, and model >> Read More... who judged the contestants.
The show was released on 2nd April 2018 with 45 minutes duration of each episode, telecasted on the weekends. In 2018, Rajo Queen declared a new amendment wherein they announced that the show would have two winners at the end and promised to treat the audience with entertainment at total capacity. Following this, after a long journey of 40 episodes, Subhashree Jena Subhashree Jena is an Indian singer and YouTube st >> Read More... and Suman Patnaik emerged as the two show winners.