Kie Hebo Mo Heroine (Season 3) was telecasted in 2016 on the Tarang TV channel. The reality show is based on judging contestants based on their skills. It's a reality show in Odia language. It follows the concept of a beauty pageant. Season 3 came in with the success of Season 2 which aired in 2015. The show is a massive hit amongst the Odia audience. Various contestants from different regions participate to win the title. After beating a tough competition, the winner of "Kie Hebo Mo Heroine" (Season 3) is Sasmita Piyali Sahoo. In a short period, this attractive girl amassed a sizable following. After the release of her film Happy Lucky, Sasmita gained popularity thanks to the hit song "Aushadh Nei Aa Jania." Although there is no news of upcoming seasons, the audience will love to witness another season.