Bikram Betal was a horror-comedy light-hearted series that pokes fun at the horror genre. The series aired on Tarang Plus, consisting of 30 episodes. Abinash John wrote the show script. The characters Ankit and Suman are the focus of the story. Bikram Betal is, as we all know, one of India's most famous mythical tales. The narrative of King Vikramaditya was the inspiration for Bikram Betal, who was known for his intelligence, bravery, and power. A Sage assigned King Vikramaditya the impossible task of retrieving a body from the middle of a jungle. Betal, a cunning ghost, possessed the body Bikram was looking for, who enjoyed telling stories and challenging King Bikram's wisdom and sense of justice. Every episode of Betal's show had filled with hilarious tales told in a comedic way.
Another version of the Serial...
Bikram Betal Serial is a horror comedy show on Tarang TV. Abhinash John wrote this show. Shyama Prasad Mishra constructed the concept of this show. This show is in the Odia language. This show was first broadcasted on 18 June 2021. About 20 episodes are available on the Tarang TV YouTube Channel. All the episodes of this show are available for free. A season 2 was also released after the success of season 1. This serial was inspired from the famous tales of Raja Vikramaditya and the ghost Betal. In each episode, Vikram tries to catch Betal, and Betal tells him an exciting story with a beautiful message.