It is an Indian Odia language Romance, Drama TV series which is aired on Zee Sarthak channel of the Zee Television Networks at 8:00 PM from Monday to Saturday and it is also available for free on the OTT platform ZEE5 of the Zee Television Networks. It is directed by Sushant Mani and it stars Supriya Nayak Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Siddhanta Mahapatra in the lead roles. It was first aired on 25th January 2021. The plot of this show revolves around the lives of a middle aged businessman and a young middle class girl. Both of them fall in love with each other but the huge difference between their ages interrupts the peace of their relationship and becomes a hurdle. Will they be able to solve their problems and misunderstandings? Will they reunite and lead a happy life? Watch this mind blowing romance drama series to find out.