Big Break is an Odia TV show. It aired on the Tarang TV channel. It is an exciting show that provides a platform for aspiring actors to showcase their acting talents. The show revolves around a statewide search for the next big acting sensation with auditions held in major cities of Odisha. The judges pick a few participants among the thousands of candidates. Each episode shows the journey of talented participants as they compete in a series of acting challenges. Each episode has a different theme and challenge. Every act is a test of their creativity, versatility, and skills. From dramatic dialogues to comedic monologues, the contestants test their limits to impress the judges. The auditions are open to all participants above 18, providing an opportunity to anyone with talent. Each contestant is given an equal chance to be in the limelight, whether they are novices or professionals.
The panel of judges are veteran actors or directors. They provide valuable feedback and guidance to the participants to improve their skills and reach their full potential. The show provides invaluable exposure to not only the winner but each participant. They also get a chance to represent themselves to the top recruiting agencies. Winners receive gifts, acting scholarships, and acting contracts. There are two winners each from the Male and Female categories. Sujeet Paykaray was the winner from the Male category, and Lipsa Misra was the winner from the female category.