Maharashtra Jagte Raho is a Marathi television series aired on the channel Colors Marathi. The show highlights real-life crime stories that can give anyone goosebumps. The stories mainly revolve around harassment, kidnapping and even heinous murders that will be a huge shock. The show is hosted by Sunil Barve Known for his character as Akash in a renowned TV >> Read More... , who gives a voice to these stories as he takes the audience on the journey of these crime stories. The show is available on the OTT platform Jio Cinema. In the first episode, he presents a gruesome murder of a young girl. The girl, named Aarti, was found dead by her father and her stepmother in her room. This leaves everyone in shock as the young, bright Aarti is suddenly gone from the world. When the police start investigating, they find out that the only person present in the house at the time of Aarti’s murder was her mentally challenged brother, Gopal.
Who committed this murder of an innocent girl? The rest of the episode deals with that. The second episode too deals with the brutal murder of q woman named Anagha. She was living in the city of Pune and was brutally murdered in the daytime while travelling to her workplace. Little did she know that it would be her last ride. The police start collecting evidence and suspects to find the person behind this brutality. Who did it? Was it someone close to her? Was her murder planned or unintentional? The rest of the story deals with that. The third episode puts forward a pretty shocking story as during a house robbery, Chhaya Borkar and her niece Meera are murdered. While the police suspect it to be a pre-planned murder done by the family members, there is no actual evidence as to who did it. Will they be able to catch the culprit? The rest of the episode deals with that.
One of the most interesting is the one in the fourth episode where Sumati, a housewife is found dead in her own house. What’s shocking is that the police suspects the daughter, and her boyfriend. Sumati never approved their relationship and that could have been the reason why they did it. But would a daughter plan her mother’s murder? Is she the culprit? Who committed this ruthless crime? The rest of the story deals with that. The fifth episode deals with the murder of Prajakta. Prajakta was found dead in a trunk, meanwhile her friend Sonal's whereabouts are not unknown and this draws suspicion. There are too many suspects in story, so the police has a hard time finding out who are behind this plan. Soon, the police is shocked when Sonal is abducted. At the same time, they finally found the culprit behind Prajakta's death. Will this give a hint for finding Sonal? Are these crimes somehow related? The rest of the story deals with that. In the next episode, a young vibrant college-going Sarita is found dead.
Even though it’s initially assumed that she’s committed suicide, did she? Or was it a murder? She was an obedient child and even had high marks in her academics. What was the reason that forced Sarita to take such a big step? Or was ‘this step’ committed by someone else? The rest of the episode deals with that. The most beautiful thing about the show is that it not only aims to bring out real-life crime stories but that too with good social messages. By portraying the wrongs in our society, the show makes a statement as to what is right and we should be aware at all times. In one of the episodes, Tukaram and the villagers follow a tradition where the village women are auctioned. They are reduced to and treated as objects to be passed here and there. In the story, Tukaram sells his daughter. But things take a dark turn when his daughter is found brutally murdered in a field. Who committed the murder? The rest of the story deals with that.