Varcha Class Fakt is a Marathi television serial aired on Star Pravah. It was a daily soap opera aired on 12th July 2021 and ran for 128 episodes, concluding on 17th December 2021. The show was produced by Nitin Vaidya Nitin Vaidya is a talented and well-known Producer >> Read More... under the banner of Dashami Creations, while Atul Kale Atul Kale is an extremely talented and multi-facet >> Read More... and Yogesh Bhalerao directed it. The story revolves around the lives of school students and their teachers. The story is set in a school in Maharashtra, and the show focuses on the challenges and struggles that the students face in their academic and personal lives. The show's storyline revolves around a group of students in a school and their struggles with academics and personal life.
The story primarily focuses on the character of Raghav (played by Shashank Ketkar Shashank Ketkar is a Marathi Television actor born >> Read More... ), a teacher who tries to help the students overcome their problems. He forms a close bond with the students and tries to provide them with emotional and academic support. The show's central character is Raghav (played by Shashank Ketkar), a young and enthusiastic teacher who is passionate about teaching and wants to make a difference in the lives of his students. He is a mentor and a guide to the students and tries to help them overcome their problems. Raghav becomes close to his students and forms strong bonds with them.
On the other hand, the school's principal, Mrs Jagdale (played by Mrinmayee Godbole), is shown as a strict disciplinarian who takes a tough stance against the students. She wants to maintain discipline in the school and expects the students to follow the rules. However, she also has a caring side and wants the best for her students. The show addresses various issues that students face in schools, including pressure to perform well, bullying, peer pressure, and relationship issues. It also highlights the importance of friendship and relationships in one's life. The show portrays how the students overcome their struggles with the help of Raghav and other teachers.
The show's other central characters are the students, including Sameer, Sujay, Rhea, and Shruti, who face various challenges and struggles in their lives. The show follows their journey as they navigate through the school system and try to achieve their goals. "Varcha Class Fakt" was a relatable and heartwarming Marathi TV serial that touched on critical issues faced by students. It was well-received by the audience and garnered good ratings. The show's strong performances by the cast and engaging storyline made it a popular choice among viewers.