Love Lagna Locha is a romantic comedy-drama. The show premiered in 2016 on the Zee Yuva channel. It aired Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm. Each episode had a run time of 25 minutes. The 416-episode show is available to stream on the Zee5 OTT platform. Sailesh Kale and Jayant Pawar Jayant Pawar is a celebrated Marathi writer, whose >> Read More... directed the show. Vidyadhar Pathare Vidyadhar Pathare is an Indian Producer. He is a H >> Read More... produced the show under the banner of Iris Production. Sunil Harishchandra and Sukhada Ahire wrote the story of the serial. Love Lagna Locha is a comedy-drama that centres around the story of three friends: Sumit, Vinay, and Raghav. The boys strive to live their best lives. Sumit ( Omkar Govardhan Omkar Govardhan is an Indian actor who appears mos >> Read More... ) is a career-minded man. He is focused and driven. Raghav (Vivek Single) is charismatic and flirty. He is the eye candy of the group. Vinay ( Saksham Kulkarni     Saksham Kulkarni is an Indian actor, who h >> Read More... ) is passionate about finding his true love and marrying her. But the only problem is his extreme shyness. Every time he talks to a woman, he makes a fool of himself.
Love Lagna Locha is a good watch for its plot, and the cast justifies their roles immensely. This serial was received well by the audience. After a successful run for two years, the show ended in 2018.