Popular Hindi Channel ‘Aaj Tak’ started its documentary series named ‘Vande Mataram’ on August 18, 2013. It was narrated by Kabir Bedi Kabir Bedi is well known Indian television and fil >> Read More... and Raza Murad Raza Murad is a famous Indian Bollywood actor who >> Read More... , and the lucky winners of Vande Mataram are awarded ME tablets. The series was a tribute to great heroes of our nation who laid down their lives for unity and integrity of the nation. These great sons of our country had fought many battles and hence the series ‘Vande Mataram’ brought to viewers many untold stories of the many wars that the nation has fought.
The first episode was a focus on the war of 1971 against Pakistan, and it unraveled a lot of facts including the on-ground realities of the war. The documentary provided original war footage from the government. Also, innovative graphics and visuals were added to back the TV series with modern technique so that audiences get to experience the battles, patriotism and victories which were fought in a different era. When the show was launched for viewers, Managing Editor of Aaj Tak, Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad is an Indian director, executive di >> Read More... felt that the series ‘Vande Mataram’ will inspire the feeling of patriotism of our viewers and will take the audiences to the realities of war.
The series, in fact, is a rich tribute to the brave soldiers of our nation who fought and sacrificed their lives for the cause. The research content had unique studio set-up with real war room sets and had exhilarating visual effects to move the narration of the TV series forward. After 2013, the season -2 had was aired in 2014. The season -2 was hosted by actor Shatrughan Sinha Shatrughan sinha is a well known name of the Hindi >> Read More... . This TV program also has told the viewers many untold and forgotten tales of Amar Jawans (soldiers) and the channel ‘Aaj Tak’ too brought out well the selfless struggle for India’s freedom.
This series had a focus on freedom movement that was penned by the British. It was a program of those freedom fighters those who were unsung heroes or might have lost in the translation and amended in the midst of the political environment of our times. Many such soldiers have still got buried with the history of occasions. Hence, ‘Aaj Tak’ channel took an effort to enlighten the viewers with the truth behind the untold tales of bravery and valor. Managing Editor, Supriya Prasad stated that as no TV series is dedicated to unsung revolutionaries of the freedom struggle, hence AaJ Tak Channel had wanted to immortalize the martyrs through this series.