The Formula of a Good Boy is a Hindi animated series broadcast on the BIG Magic channel. The story revolves around the life of a boy named Nattu who lives in the city Dhamaalgadh.His real name is Nikhil but, because of his naughtiness, he is called Nattu, which roughly translates to a naughty boy. He has a talking dog named Dhoom. He is an intelligent dog and the only friend of Nattu. Nattu’s parents are fed up with him and eve nhis classmates run as soon as he arrives in the park to play as they are afraid of his naughty tricks. Nattu keeps his room dirty and gets up late for his school, always missing the school bus. Dhoom tries to wake Nattu.Nattu gives his breakfast Dhoom whenever he does not wants to eat it. Nattu never finds anything on time. He studies in the City School. The teacher scolds him for arriving late and not doing his homework and gives him punishment. Every day after school, Nattu has ice cream and this makes him late for the bus. He plays for too long in the evening. The Moon advises him to go home as it is very late.
But he never listens and never does homework on time. He has nightmares of his parents, teachers, the moon, and Dhoom scolding him as they suffer because of his naughtiness. He decides to go in the night to walk. Dhoom finds a book called The Formula of a Good Boy and brings it for Nattu. As soon as he opens it, a genie comes out of the book. The genie asks for what Nattu wishes. Nattu wishes for people to love him and talk to him. He wishes to make friends. The genie says if Nattu follows his commands for seven days he can give the magic to make his wishes come true.His new life starts from the next day. He gets up early, cleans his room, brushes his teeth, bathes, and even has breakfast on time. He reaches the bus stop on time and makes friends by gifting his classmate gifts. Before acting on genie’s wishes, he used to pull his classmate’s hair and disturb them. Seeing this change, students become his friend. In the show, GOOD Habits are written after every lesson. Teachers start appreciating Nattu.He gives up his habit of ice cream to catch the bus on time. He plays in the evening with friends, comes home on time, and does homework on time. In this way, Nattu’s life changes for the better.