Balaji Telefilms India Private Limited had produced a dramatic show called ‘Kosmiic Chat.' The show ran for 52 episodes during Sundays on Zoom Television from 19th September 2004. The Logo of the Serial deceives the viewers that it might be one among those that might describe about the astrology or numerology. On the contrary, the show had created for the Youths in the country. Led by SunithaMenon and Simone Singh Simone Singh is the face of Indian Television. She >> Read More... , the episodes describe the problems faced by the young students at the college and jobs. The anchors speak out the various challenges and other good things in relation to the adolescence of the beginning guns around the city. The participants vary during every scene.
The entire thrust did not gain that much popularity among the adults, but it had been the top watched category on the Internet. It gave a good platform for the parents of the teens to know the various troubles their children were exposed to. The dramatic version had given useful suggestions for the college goers on how to come out of the infatuations. The lead role players had described the differences between love and friendship. The Notable time includes helping a boy to get away from a love failure rather than committing suicide, helping the Youths to focus on the task that they are trying to concentrate, the troubles at the college as well as the school levels, stress-busting techniques to be followed, and living a tension free life throughout the rest of time.
Overall, the serial had been thriving towards the empowerment of the Young minds throughout the world. It had been declared that the Chat would continue for one hour including the commercial breaks from the sponsors. The most watched episode in the entire series was the advice given to a young college-goer who had been facing difficulty in following up the class as he had been forced to continue a course against his desire by his parents. Any other advisers would have asked him to join a course of his wish.
But the leaders had aimed him continue his course and finally gave him very useful tips as to how to utilize the available opportunity in a best possible manner. The particular guy was given an advice of master class.‘The Best the man can get ever is an opportunity’. The story of Edwin C. Aldrin was discussed at the end.
Another Version of the Show...
Kosmic Chat is an Indian- Hindi language television serial that gets aired on Zoom. The genre of the serial is Talk Show. The star cast of the show includes Sunita Menon Celebrity Tarot card expert Sunita Menon had once >> Read More... , Rohit Roy Born on 5th April, 1968, Rohit Roy is an extremely >> Read More... and, Simone Singh. The developer of the show is Ekta Kapoor Ekta Kapoor; a legendry producer in Indian TV and >> Read More... . by Ekta Kapoor. The total number of episodes is 30 and the number of seasons is 1.
The production location is Mumbai, Maharashtra. This serial started airing on 19 September 2004. The Running time of the show is 45-50 minutes. The production company is Bajaj Telefilms. The focus of this show is on the 21st-century people, the youth their habits and, changing taste and behavior are also observed.