Gyan Guru was a TV quiz show which was first broadcast on 23 January 2012 on Imagine TV and aired Monday to Friday. The idea of the show was to test the participants with their knowledge of Indian tradition, rituals and beliefs. At the same time, it had a purpose to educate the audience as well, especially the young children and teach them about their roots. The general audience was invited to participate in this show, namely children older than 14 and older Indian natives with vast knowledge of Indian culture, tradition, rituals and beliefs. The TV channel selected the participants through testing, and in each episode of the show two contestants competed to achieve the Gyan Guru title after answering the first five questions correctly. Every contestant had the possibility to chose one person that will accompany them in the show. This person (Sahayta) was a part of the audience during the show, and was invited to help the contestant if needed. A pandit provided the audience with the correct answers of all the questions, additionally giving a more detailed explanations with short stories from Indian culture and tradition. Apart from the competition part, the show had entertaining periods as well, at the beginning and at the end of the show, with a group of people as bhajan toil who performed music acts for the audience and the contestants . The famous young actor
Shakti Arora
was the host of the show. It was a very popular show among the TV audience in India. Sadly the show ended as Imagine TV announced the closing of the TV channel on April 12 2012.