The series stars Shekhar Suman Born on 14th June, 1960, Shekhar Suman is a well k >> Read More... as Chote Babu. Chote Babu is a postman who is very helpful to everyone. Everyone in the village adores him as no matter what he cannot hurt anyone. He is very kind, intelligent and gregarious human being. In this show, he respects the nature and his elders a lot.
The serial starts with a dilemma that is Chote Babu speaking the truth of being married or not. He swears that he does and she is living in the city and even after marriage due to some circumstances, they are not living together. He tells everyone that her name is Meera but no further knowledge is provided.
One dark night when he was long lost in his thoughts about his wife he hears someone outside. He ran out and sees a lady trying to commit suicide. He saves her and asks the reason which she tells that she is pregnant but not married and the father of the child has left her and she cannot entertain the thought of pain her child’s going to bear if she proceeded with her sinful life. Chote Babu being the sensible one convinces her by saying that if she wants a father’s name for her child he is ready to give her that but he can never give her the label of a husband as he is already married. Later on, he discovers that the lady’s name is also Meera and tells her that she has to live like Meera only, a single woman devoted to her child, without having a love of a husband.
The show stars Bade Babu and his wife who are like parents to Shekhar Suman and help him in his problems. They were the very first ones who were worried about his marriage but later on learning the truth from Chote Babu’s mouth they stop badgering him and accepted Meera as their own child never knowing the real truth behind them as Shekhar introduced her as his wife who is pregnant and bears his child.
The show depicts various problems that a person has to suffer and the decisions he makes verse the decisions he should make. It tells the truth of life to the audiences that there's always an alternative to the problems. He further introduces everyone with Meera as his wife and keeps the child as his own but one day or another someone will doubt on the fake relationship he is having.