The Indian Channel Life OK has now set to work on a fiction based on fashion, modeling and acting. The Creative unit of the channel DJ’s has worked on the screenplay which has followed on the blockbuster cinema by the name ‘Fashion.’ The premiere has produced and directed by the Jaffer Family viz. Sonali Jaffar and Amir Jaffar Amir Jaffar is an Indian producer and writer born >> Read More... . It has telecasted from the dead end of the year 2015. The program has led by many Stars including Ridhima Pandit, Supreet Bedi, Jimmy Sharma, Mreenal Deshraj, Sudhanshu Pandey, who has been owning the Fashion House, Karan V Grover who has been playing as Sudhanshu’s Son, and Kunal Varma, the brother of Sudhanshu. The entire drama seems to be in the path of its parent film. Ridhima Pandit has been dwelling with her parents in a small town. Her Parents had various ideas in respect of her future. But Ridhima had a different ambition. She wished to pursue a different career in which her father and mother had no idea.
This girl wanted to follow a track in fashion and modelling. She tries harder to make her wish come true. Finally, fortune favoured her. She was picked up as the winning pageant in a local modelling and fashion competition. After she had won the competition, she made a bold decision to tell her parents about her desire. They were not accepting the proposal of their daughter. With their assent, she has moved to the busy city of Mumbai to make her goals come into veracity. She has joined the Modelling Institute that has been run by Sudhanshu Pandey along with his son Karan and brother Kunal. Her makeover has been completely changed by the school. She has been decided as the winner in the various fights beating the top models in the State of Maharashtra. As the days were passing,
Sudhanshu has fallen in love with her. Later, the love turns up into lust and they end up with physical relationship. After three months, Ridhima has found that she was pregnant. She has entered into a state of dilemma on what to do next. She has to come to conclusion on whether to leave the modeling station and move to her native or stay there and continue the goal she has decided to achieve. The series has overall made its viewers to understand the intricacies in the passion of a rural girl.