Akbar and Birbal is a show based on animation genre. It is aired on ZeeQ and continues to enthrall the audience still now after so many years. Each story teaches us how a human being can use his wits to overcomes his difficulties. These stories have been an integral part of our heritage. It revolves around the lives of Akbar and Birbal. They tell us a lot about that era , culture and heritage.
Akbar was one of the most successful ruler of Mughal Empire. His power and influence extended over the entire subcontinent. This includes many reasons many such as his Mughal military, political, cultural, and economic dominance. In order to unify the vast Mughal state, he established a centralised system of administration throughout his empire. He preserved peace and order in a religiously and culturally diverse empire. He adopted policies that won him the support of his non-Muslim subjects.
Birbal is well-known for the folk tales which focuses on his wit and intelligence. He was appointed by Akbar as a Minister. He was a Poet and Singer. He had a close association with Emperor Akbar. He was one of his most important courtiers, part of a group called the navaratnas.The painting Akbari Nao Ratna in Victoria hall, Kolkata depicts the fact that Birbal had a prominent position in Akbar's life. The Emperor found him entertaining intially and in later years, sent him on important missions. Birbal was said to have received a two-storey house in Fatehpur Sikri within the palace complex as a token of gift from the king himself. It was built close to Akbar's own chambers. One of the seven gates is named as "Birbal's gate".
These stories are a collections of interesting humourous incidents to which Birbal was exposed to. These stories revolved around that era and their lives. These stories have been an integral part of rich heritage. The witty stories will make one laugh and at the same time teach them with valuable life lessons.The running time of the show is around half an hour , which will make our younger generation witty, clever and enrich them with knowledge about our history. They will learn a great deal from this cartoon. This show is full of entertainment and knowledge enriching.The show also boosts up their self-esteem and knowledge to pratically apply his skills.