Bas Cha Sudhi Navi Safar is a popular Gujarati television serial aired on Colors Gujarati. The show premiered on September 21, 2020. The show ended on January 28, 2021. The television series revolves around the love story of two young individuals, Raja and Sanjana. Raja is a fun-loving, carefree guy who lives on his terms. On the other hand, Sanjana is a responsible and hardworking girl dedicated to her family. Despite their different backgrounds and personalities, Raja and Sanjana fall in love with each other. However, their journey has obstacles. They face opposition from their families, who belong to different castes and have conflicting values. Additionally, societal pressures and the expectations of their respective communities also create hurdles for them.
The show explores the themes of love, family, and societal expectations uniquely and engagingly. It features a talented cast of actors, including Ojas Rawal Ojas Rawal is a popular actor. He was born in Rajk >> Read More... and Hemangi Kavi Hemangi Kavi is a celebrated artist in the Marathi >> Read More... , who authentically and emotionally bring their characters to life. The show got received by audiences and gained a loyal following during its run on the Colours Gujarati channel. The show has got received by audiences and has gained a loyal following during its run. If you're a fan of Gujarati language television dramas, then "Bas Cha Sudhi Navi Safar" is worth checking out.