Mon Mandir (2016) is an Assamese serial aired on Rang TV. This family drama has received much appreciation for its storyline, characters, and aptly selected cast. The serial is directed by Sanjay Sarkar. Mon Mandir is the story of an average joint family. The family lives together with utmost harmony. Until the previous love interest of the young grandson, Dwipen, takes up the role of the antagonist. Though Dwipen gets married, Pallabi (his ex) stirs up trouble in his blissful marital life.
But despite her schemes, she cannot break off Dwipen’s marriage. Meanwhile, Dwipen’s older brother, Raj, goes missing. The entire family believes that Pallabi, enraged at being unable to cause them any harm, must have got Raj kidnapped. In the end, everything sorts itself out and the family gets its happy end.