Directed by Ahmed Bhatti Ahmed Bhatti is an Urdu director. He works in Paki >> Read More... and written by Shagufta Bhatti Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Baydardi is a Pakistani TV series based on two innocent people with AIDS, Shafay, and Bia, who gain this illness simply by their carelessness. Produced by Abdullah Seja Abdullah Seja is a Pakistani television producer. >> Read More... under Idream Productions, the story of this drama is truly unique and captivating. The team of this series understood the responsibility of broadcasting media to not only provide entertainment but also to educate the viewers on prevailing issues. There are many heart-wrenching moments followed by the death of a few characters. This series portrayed beautiful mother-son moments between Shafay and her mother. Her Mother tries her best to keep him happy in his last moments. There are 29 episodes aired on Ary Digital from 26 March 2018. The series received positive reviews from critics, as it also reflected rooted myths about this disease in our society.