Panchayat is a web series premiered on Amazon Prime. The series premiered on 3rd April 2020. It is a comedy-drama web series created by TVF. The series had Jitendra Kumar Jitendra Kumar is an Indian actor. He was born on >> Read More... , Raghubir Yadav Raghubir Yadav is an Indian movie, television and >> Read More... , Biswapati Sarkar Biswapati Sarkar is famous for being the presenter >> Read More... , and Neena Gupta Neena Gupta is a very popular and well-known figur >> Read More... in the lead role. It was written by Chandan Kumar Chandan Kumar, popularly known as 'Chandan' >> Read More... , and directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra Deepak Kumar Mishra is an Indian filmmaker, writer >> Read More... . The series had a total of 8 episodes. Each episode was 40 minutes long. The series starts with Abhishek Tripathi, played by Jitendra Kumar, being appointed as Secretary of Phulera village. He goes to the village that is situated in Uttar Pradesh. He does not want to work there but works for money and experience. He is also preparing for an MBA examination called CAT. In the village, he meets a person named Brij Bhushan Dubey who is the husband of Manju Devi. Manju Devi is the Sarpanch of village Phulera. Neena Gupta played the role of Manju Devi.
When Abhishek reaches Phulera he gets to know that Brij has lost the key to the home he is going to live in. They go to the field to find it and later ask a mechanic to make a new key. Now he is settled in his office cum home. The people of the village are afraid of a tree. They think that the tree has a ghost on it. In an event to get a Solar light at the office, Abhishek convinces everyone that there is no ghost. No one believes it at first but then he goes to the root of this and then finds out that it is all a lie spread by a teacher who was high on weed. The episodes are available online.