Sampath Ram is an Indian actor working predominantly in the Tamil Film Industry in villainous roles. Ram started his acting career with a Television Sequential Ethanai Manithargal that aired on Doordarshan, where he played the part of a thug. He made his debut on the big screen with the movie Mudhalvan in the year 1999, where he enacted the part...
Ilavarasu is the cinematographer turned actor in Tamil cinema. He was born in the year 1964 in Melur in Madurai. His original name was Ilavarasan and his cinema friends called him Ilavarasu and the name stayed with him, till now. He was popular as a cinematographer in the year 1996, with the film Panchalankurichi with Prabhu and Madhubala in the...
Rajasimman is an Indian film actor from Tamil film industry. He is also known as DMJ Raja Simman. He was born in South India. He is popularly known as a villain in the Tamil film industry, due to his roles....