Baby Akshara also known as Akshara Kishore, is a Malayalam child artist. She is best known for her character of Bala Chandrika in the serial "Karuthamuthu" which is aired on Asianet. Her cute looks and innocence on the screen have made her a favorite of the audience. She was born in Kannur district, Kerala. Later they moved to Vennala, Ernakulam....
Vijayalakshmi Agathiyan, the homely actress, was born on 30th November 1982 in Chennai. She hails from the cinema background. Vijayalakshmi is the daughter of the award winning director, “Agathiyan” and Radha. Vijayalakshmi has two sisters, an elder one and a younger one. Her elder sister, Karthika Agathiyan was a popular VJ, who worked for Makkal TV. She is married to...
Aadukalam Naren was born in Chennai the heartland of Tamil cinema, in a family which took keen interest in movies. He was interested in acting and was also encouraged by his family members, and so he decided to go through formal training before he could enter the industry....
It's no secret that most celebrities use stunt doubles when filming particularly challenging scenes, but it's not something we always remember when caught up in the energy of an action-packed movie. In Indian film industry, particularly in Kollywood and Bollywood, stunt actors are indeed a must. ...
Kali Venkat hails from a rural village named Kovilpatti in Tamil Nadu from where he came to Chennai to pursue his acting career. From childhood, he had a huge passion and interest for acting, He used to take part in lots of dramas hosted in his school and his locality since he was studying in the eighth standard. Realizing that...