Archana Singh is the latest addition to the list of talented young budding artists in the Kannada film Industry. This exuberant young actress debuted in the film "Maamu Tea Angaadi" which was released in the year 2014. The movie is themed upon the tough times of friendship, and no matter what all obstacles are thrown at them, the ties of...
Ashwin Kumar is an actor and writer who is known for movies namely - Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru (2016), Ranam (2018), and Silent Heroes (short film). Ashwin Kumar is a well-known mimicry artist and a short film actor....
It's no secret that most celebrities use stunt doubles when filming particularly challenging scenes, but it's not something we always remember when caught up in the energy of an action-packed movie. In Indian film industry, particularly in Kollywood and Bollywood, stunt actors are indeed a must. ...
Swaminathan is a talented and popular Tamil actor. He is a person with multidimensional talent. Swaminathan is an eminent Tamil movie and television actor and also an immensely talented stand-up comedian. His full name is Sabha Swaminathan also fondly known within the industry as Lollu. He’s been in the Tamil film and television circuit since the year 1997. He got...