Mini I G is a Mollywood film actor and director who predominantly works in the Malayalam language movies and TV series. She is particularly known for the film Divorced which she directed in 2023. It was a story about six women and their families, belonging to diverse socioeconomic backgrounds who have to struggle and face the turmoil caused by their...
"Appu N.Bhattathiri is an editor and actor in Malayalam Film Industry. He started in the Malayalam cinema as an Assistant Director for the Crime-Drama film “Second Show” (2012). Later he worked for an independent film “Oraalppokkam” (2014) which was marked his editorial debut. He was noticed for his editorial talent and bagged about a dozen films as an editor....
Madhupal Kannambath popularly known as Madhupal is a well-known actor, director, scriptwriter and short story writer. He hails from Calicut but has spent much of his childhood in Palakkad where his father owned a movie theater. That was how he developed liking towards cinema. Before acting in films, he worked as assistant director to Bharath Gopi and Rajeev Anchal and...
Mamukkoya also known as Mamu Koya is a popular cine artist and Malayalam comedian. He was born on July 5, 1946, to Chalikandiyil Muhammed and Imbachi Ayisha and is currently 69 years old. He has done over 450 movies in his career. He is a very simple and yet so talented. He did his primary school education from Calicut, MM...