Ganesh Nair is a talented Malayalam film director and screenwriter known for his work in the movie Avarkkoppam, released in 2019. He was born in Kerala, India. He developed a passion for filmmaking from a young age. In 2018, Ganesh Nair made his directorial debut with "Avarkkoppam." The film received great reviews from audiences and critics alike, and Ganesh is...
Biju Narayanan is a well-known Malayalam playback singer. He was born into a musical family and learned Carnatic Music for eight years under his Guru Aryanad Sadasivan. He currently lives in Kochi and has sung over 400 songs in the industry. He got his first opportunity to sing in a devotional album in 1992. His first song in the film...
Girish Narayanan is a Malayalam musical artist. He completed his education at Metropolitan Higher Secondary School Puthenkavu and later studied at the Christian College, Chengannur, and at the Amrita Institute of Computer Technology, Vallickavu. He stays in Kochi, Kerala. His hometown is Chengannur. Girish Narayana also works as a composer, music director, singer and producer also. He has gained popularity...
Jassie Gift is a music composer and singer who hails from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He predominantly works for Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Tamil movies and is currently, based in Bengaluru....
Linson Raphael is an Indian Film Editor from Kochi, Kerala. He graduated from Nirmala English Medium in bachelor’s degree for Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects. Raphael joined Film City as an Editor in December 2009 and continues to work for the same in Kochi, Kerala. He also started working for the organization “Plus Media,” as a Film Editor...
Nishad Joy is a young and talented actor who works predominantly in the Malayalam film industry. He was born in Kerala, India. He is popularly known for his role in the Malayalam film Avarkkoppam, released in 2018. His performance in the movie was critically acclaimed and earned him widespread appreciation from audiences and critics alike. The film is directed by...
Parthasaradhy Pillai is a prominent Malayalam actor and theater artist. He was born in Kerala, India. He started his acting career in the late 1950s and worked in several films in Malayalam cinema. He is known for his versatile acting skills and ability to perform wide range of roles, from comedic to dramatic. He is popularly known for his role...