Emily Blunt, also known as Emily Olivia Leah Blunt is a British actress, born on 23rd February 1983, in West London. She was born to Joanna Mackie, a former actress and teacher and Oliver Simon Peter Blunt, a banister. She received her primary education at Ibstock Place School, Roehampton. Blunt was initially struggling with stammering (a speech disorder). She underwent...
This guy was always summoned and well paid by producers to be tortured in his movies. He did it all! Aside from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford, he is the next in line to do scenes between explosions. Born as Walter Bruce Willis on March 19th 1955 from Rhineland-Palatinate, West Germany. Â He first attended Penns Grove High and...
Jeff Daniels, whose full name is Jeffrey Warren Daniels is a playwright, music composer and an actor from America. He was born on the 19th of the month of February, 1955. He studied at the Central Michigan University and was involved in quite some of the theater work while he was there. Further, he studied at the Eastern Michigan University...
A handsome young actor of America, Joseph Gorden Levitt was born on February 17 in the year 1981 in the beautiful city Los Angeles, California. His parents did not belong to film background but helped him a lot to achieve his goal. Dennis Levitt, his father, was worked as a news director at a radio station. Joseph Gorden Levitt’s maternal...
Paul Franklin Dano took birth on June 19, 1984, in New York. He is a singer, director, musician and an actor by profession. Dano has a younger sibling and both of them hail from Slovak, Austrian, Swedish, and Czech descent. He initially went to Browning School, and when he moved to Connecticut with his family, he attended Wilton High School...