Dragon Ball Super: Broly is an adventure action film directed by Tatsuya Nagamine and produced by Norihiro Hayashida and Rioko Tominaga. The Christopher Sabat, as Vegeta, Vic Mignogna plays Broly, Sonny Strait plays Bardock, Monica Rial plays Bulma, Ian Sinclair plays Whis, Erica Lindbeck Erica Lindbeck is an anime star and voice actress >> Read More... plays Cheelai, Sonny Franks plays Kikono, Bruce Carey plays Lemo, Jason Douglas plays Beerus, Veronica Taylor plays Berryblue, Emily Neves as Gine, Rawly Pickens as Vampa Beetles, Bin Shimada plays Broly, Nana Mizuki as Cheelai, Brina Palencia as Young Broly, and Justin Cook as Raditz.
In the start of the plot, we see that the king of planet Pizza is going to meet Legend Vegeta, with his son prince Pizza. On seeing king Pizza and his son, king Vegeta welcomes them and asks him the reason for the visit. On which king Pizza says that henceforth his son prince Pizza will rule the planet. Pizza says, it’s a big announcement so there should be firecrackers and for celebrations he blows up many parts of the palace with his power. Then Pizza leaves the place with his team. After that we see that king Vegeta leaves to see his son Vegeta along with his team where he sees another man nearby, who has much more power. King Vegeta asks, whose son is this from which he gets to know that he is their general’s son. Then the king says in anger that no one should be more powerful than my son in the town and orders to shift the boy to some other place. Then we see the general, who comes and asks the reason for sending off his son, to which he replies that the power level of his son is much higher and that can be a threat for their planet in future and that’s why the kind is sending him off. But later the general sees that his son is been send off to a place which is impossible to live in, with a lot of weird animals. Will his son survive? Is he going to return to his mother planet? The rest of the story revolves around it.
Star Performance
Masako Nozawa delivered an excellent performance as Vege, with a perfect energy mix required for the character. Bin Shimada and Ryusei also contributed to their roles being humorous and manipulative in their assigned roles. The plot is also well written with engaging plot, characters and backstories. The cinematography of the film also pulls out to be a great one.
The film portrays the depth of the characters, with multiple character effects including, an emotional character of Broly as a struggling father, fighting for his son. Not only that, the movie does deliver high-level actions, which the series is well known for. The emotional built-up between the characters in the first half is enough to keep the viewers engaged. But, if you are not an action lover then the second half may bore you, as it heavily focuses on the actions. Talking about the visuals, they were stunning and eye catching with extraordinary effects. Altogether, it is a film with good story line and a emotional twist in the plot.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
The voice performances, the animations as well as the action scenes were strong enough to keep the viewers engaged throughout. Altogether, the film satisfies both new and old viewers.