Emily Blunt, also known as Emily Olivia Leah Blunt is a British actress, born on 23rd February 1983, in West London. She was born to Joanna Mackie, a former actress and teacher and Oliver Simon Peter Blunt, a banister. She received her primary education at Ibstock Place School, Roehampton. Blunt was initially struggling with stammering (a speech disorder). She underwent...
John Burke Krasinski is a man of multiple talents. He took birth in Newton, Massachusetts in a family confined to his parents Mary Clare and Ronald Krasinski. He grew up in a cross culture family with his mother being Irish-American and father being Polish American. The passion for acting drove him to the theatre early and he began acting in...
Michael, who was adopted by Harriet and Jim was raised as a Jewish. He has said that he had an interest in film making and especially in action films. He has had girlfriends but chooses to remain unmarried. He majored in English and films from Art Center College of Design. He owns two homes in Los Angeles and Miami. Work: Michael...
Marco Beltrami is an American film composer. He is best known for his score music in horror movies like ‘Mimic,’ ‘The Woman in Black,’ ‘Don't Be Afraid of the Dark,’ ‘Resident Evil.’ He was a part of the movie ‘Scream’ and its franchise in collaboration with Wes Craven. He had been nominated twice for Academy Awards and had won the...