Tu Khara Mun Chaai is an Odia serial produced by Zee Sarthak TV channel. This serial falls into the genres of family drama, romance, and comedy. It started premiering on the 2nd of January, 2023, with Smutirekha Rana (Manini) and Rashmi Ranjan Panda (AJ) in the leading roles. It is an adaptation of the Hindi TV series Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega.
The story revolves around Manini, a lively and clumsy girl who aspires to be an actress and has dreams of making it in the entertainment industry. On the other side of town, AJ, aka Abhimanyu, a perfectionist and a wealthy businessman, manages his vast family empire while trying to meet the demands of his extensive family. AJ and Ma...
The series ‘Sathire' concentrates on the life of Amber and Dhara, who belong to different social backgrounds, and the various problems they face. They both will be in love and have multiple problems arise due to their other social backgrounds. Will love help them conquer their differences? Let’s see in the next episodes. The show’s cast includes Abhijit Patra, Ananya Das,  Prachee, Gopal Sharma, Sushmita Mishra, Shelly Mishra, Sriya Sathapathy, and Ankit Pattnaik. Abhijit Patra plays the role of Amber in this Show, and Ananya Das plays the role of Dhara in this show. Sathire is an Odia serial that was aired on Zee Sarthak. Sathire is an adaptation of the Telugu series ‘V...
Two extreme-natured people falling for each other is a story that the audience still likes. This story falls under that category. It shows how a kind-hearted sweet maker, Jilli, ends up with a self-contained businessman, Siddharth. Jilli decorates an office for Ganesh Puja. Later, she visits Siddharth's house, where they meet each other. They don't have a friendly conversation. But he saves her from goons. Jilli loves to make sweets. She convinces her mother to take part in a competition. She has a lovable bond with Siddharth's grandfather. So, he stands up for her sometimes. Jilli prepares well for the competition. She performs her skills and brings out delicious sweets. She wins the competition and gets rewarded on stage by...
Radhika is an Odia TV serial. It premiered on 15th February 2021 on the Zee Sarthak channel. It has one season with 360 episodes. It comes under the genres of drama and romance. The leading cast includes Swastika Datta (Radhika) and Krushal Ahuja (Virat). The series revolves around Radhika. She is a young college graduate. She aspires to be a successful fashion designer. She has a supportive family who wants her to succeed in life. Her family has arranged for a man, Kaushik, to marry Radhika.
Kaushik initially wanted to marry Radhika but changed his mind. He finds no excuse to get out of this proposal. Riya is Kaushik’s friend. She is obsessed with K...