Subhasis Sharma is a well-known actor, also known by the name of Mantu, who has worked extensively in the Odia Film Industry. His notable works include Dekha Hela Prema Hela (2019) and Maa Ki Har Wo Yaad Taaza Kar De (2016). He went to Christ College, finished his graduation from there, and did Graphic Designing and Multimedia course. He commenced his journey in this line via the popular Odia Serial, titled Tulasi, in which he appeared as the character of Krishna opposite to Jeena. This serial was aired on the channel ETV Odia and attracted a large audience. This show was a stepping stone in his journey, which helped him move towards his goal.
He has done numerous Television serials till now, for say, Swabhiman on Tarang Channel, Aaina on Colors Odia, and many others. His exceptional acting in serials allowed him to showcase his talent in the movies. Moreover, he debuted in the Film industry with the movie “Prema Adhei Akhyara” associated with Odia entertainer Babushan Mohanty Babushan Mohanty (Tanmay Mohanty) is an Indian pla >> Read More... . This movie was a mega-hit and helped him in getting recognition from audiences all around the world. His other notable movies include Kiese Dakuchi Kouthi Mote, Criminal, Matric Fail, Tu Mo Arambha, Tu Mo Sesha, Krishna Govinda, and others. All these films received great responses from audiences all around the world. Talking about his personal life, he married his co-actress Aanisha Sharma on18th March 2016 at Rama Nigameswar Mandir, Chataghat, Bidanasi, Cuttack.