Marichman Shrestha is a renowned Nepali comedian, born in the year 1998, in the Gorkha district of Nepal. He shares his life with Karuna Khadka. Marichman completed this high school in Shree Surya Jyoti Higher Secondary School, Nepal. And to further progress his interest in acting, he studied at Lalit Kala Campus, a Fine Arts college in Nepal. Marichman Shrestha acted in a Nepali TV serial called Halka Ramailo Halka Ramailo is a comedy series in the Nepali lan >> Read More... as a comedian. This particular role in the serial gave him immense popularity. He acquired the nickname ‘Balchhi Dhurbe’, which is the name of the character in the serial.
He is more widely known by the name ‘Balchhi Dhurbe’ rather than his real name. Marichman has acted in movies such as, Nai Nabhannu La 4 (2016) and short films like, Pari Bana Hariyo (2022), Aankhai Laune Ho (2023), some of which were released on his YouTube channel. Marichman also plays a major role in a famous Nepali serial called Juthe. Besides acting, Marichman is also a great singer, one of the Nepali songs being Tadha Chhainau Jasto Lagchha (2016) which has gained thousands of listeners on YouTube.