Ganesh Sonawane, a prominent Marathi actor, has earned recognition in the Indian film industry. He was born on November 27, 1981, in Pune, Maharashtra, India, and grew up in a middle-class family, attending local schools in Pune. His passion for acting began at a young age. He participated in school plays and drama competitions. After completing his education, he joined a local theatre group in Pune, performing in various plays. In 2010, Ganesh Sonawane made his Marathi film debut with "Kshanbhar Vishranti" in a minor role. He received praise from both the audience and critics for his performance. He later appeared in other Marathi films such as "Bharatiya," "Lokmanya Ek Yugpurush," and "Tapaal." Ganesh Sonawane also starred in the Marathi television series " Ka Re Durava Ka Re Durva is about accomplishing the bigger drea >> Read More... " from 2014 to 2016, playing Jay, which earned him accolades.
He hosted the reality show "Majhe Mann Tujhe Zhale" on Zee Marathi in 2017. In 2020, Ganesh Sonawane played Dr Samrat Bapat, a renowned senior doctor, in the Marathi TV series "Yudh Astitvachi Ladhai" that aired on Sony Marathi. His portrayal was commended by both the audience and critics. Ganesh Sonawane has earned numerous accolades for his exceptional performances in Marathi cinema. He received the Maharashtra State Film Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2015 for his role in the film "Daagdi Chaawl," as well as the Zee Marathi Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 2016 for his outstanding performance in "YZ.”