Here are the celebrities born on 17th May 1920! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Santo Krishnan, John Dall, Achala Sachdev
Lived For 85 Years
P. Shanta Kumari - (Producer)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 51
Aaminah Haq - (Movie Actress)
Aamir Rafiq - (Actor)
Actress Pallavi Shetty - (Anchor)
Age Now 29
Adarsh Anand - (Comedian)
Ajinkya Thakur - (Creative Producer)
Amna Haq - (Actress)
Age Now 49
Amrit Pritam Dutta - (Sound Effects Designer)
Age Now 34
Ankit Modgil - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 45
Arun Chidambaram - (Visual Effects Artist)
Arun Kurian - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 33
Ashima Sharma - (Movie Actress)
Ashish Verma - (Casting Director)
Age Now 37
Avnish Pawar - (Actor)
Lived For 55 Years
B Babusivan - (Director)
Bee Vang - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 54
Bethenny Frankel - (Producer)
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