Here are the celebrities born on 16th June 1939! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs
Age Now 86
Satram Rohra - (Writer)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 45
Aadeen Khan - (Supporting Actress)
Aadet Ghodke - (Supporting Actor)
Age Now 24
Abhijith Anilkumar - (Singer)
Adnan Dhool - (Singer)
Age Now 34
Anaika Soti - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 73
Anandavally - (Movie Actress)
Angela Singh Shrestha - (Singer)
Age Now 53
Anindya Bikas Datta - (Director)
Age Now 38
Anmol Parnami - (Artists)
Anmol Pranami - (Actor)
Aravind Kaushik - (Director)
Age Now 42
Arunlal Ramachandran - (Screenplay Writer)
Arvind Kaushik - (Director)
Age Now 75
Asghar Nadeem Syed - (Writer)
Age Now 31
Ashik Kusugolli - (Editor)
Aswathy Pillai - (Actress)
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