Here are the celebrities born on 14th May 1912! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Vasant Shinde, Hugh Griffith
Lived For 86 Years
Vasant Shinde - (Actor)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 28
Aditi Hundia - (Model)
Age Now 45
Aditya Roy Banerjee - (Director)
Age Now 29
Ahan Shetty - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 36
Akhumzi Jezile - (TV Presenter)
Akshada Patel - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 25
Ali Asghar Shah - (Singer)
Age Now 30
Amal Thaha - (Actor)
Age Now 34
Amber Zaidi - (Entrepreneur)
Age Now 78
Andrea Martin - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 17
Angel Rupchandani - (Child Artist)
Ankita Bhowmick - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 31
Archana Nair - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 117
Ardhendu Mukherjee - (Actor)
Age Now 47
Aroop Borah - (Actor)
Arun Muraleedharan - (Music Director)
Ayeza Khan - (Movie Actress)
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