Here are the celebrities born on 09th October 2011! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Meira Sengupta
Age Now 13
Meira Sengupta - (Actress)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 84
A. K. Antony - (Politician)
Lived For 65 Years
Ahmed Zaman Chowdhury - (Lyricist)
Age Now 22
Aman Shrivastava - (Actor)
Age Now 41
Apil Bista - (Producer)
Arohi Mhatre - (Singer)
Lived For 66 Years
Arun Jaitley - (Politician)
Age Now 29
Arun Kumar K S - (YouTuber)
Age Now 28
Atul Kapoor - (Vocalist)
Age Now 38
AzMarie Livingston - (Model)
Age Now 45
Barkha Bisht Sengupta - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 42
Beau Garrett - (Movie Actress)
Lived For 56 Years
Bob Holt - (Actor)
Age Now 48
Brendan Hines - (Actor)
Age Now 46
Carol Gracias - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 47
Cezanne Khan - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 62
Chandani Seneviratne - (Actress)
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