Pakistan Idol is an Urdu Pakistani show that premiered on 6 December 2013 on Geo Entertainment. This reality show was produced by FreemantleMedia 19 Entertainment and forced by Saad Bin Mujeeb. It was hosted by Pakistani television and film actor Mohib Mirza Mohib Mirza is an actor from Pakistan known for ho >> Read More... along with Anoushey Ashraf Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . Pakistan Idol: Jo Hai Dil Ki Awaaz is a music reality show to find the best singers across Pakistan. The winner was decided based on voting by the audience. The show is packed with euphonious melodies and exclusive behind-the-scenes.
People from 850 cities, towns, and villages came across this platform to showcase their talent. It was judged by Bushra Ansari(famous television presenter, actress and comedian), Hadiqa Kiani(a pop singer in Pakistan), and Ali Azmat(a frontman of the Pakistani sufi rock band, Junoon). Mohammad Shoaib and Zamad Baug were the two most talented contestants who made their way to finals, but Zammad bagged the winner title 27 April 2014. It was a 42-episode series that got much love from the audience.